Foundation v4

Created by James Vivian / @jvivs

"The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world."


Let's see…


Now for all shapes and sizes.

Sensible defaults

$screen: "only screen";
$small: "only screen and (min-width:"#{$small-screen}")";
$medium: "only screen and (min-width:"#{$medium-screen}")";
$large: "only screen and (min-width:"#{$large-screen}")";
$landscape: "only screen and (orientation: landscape)";
$portrait: "only screen and (orientation: portrait)";



$small-screen: emCalc(768);

12 columns instead of 4

Step up to Medium*

$medium-screen: emCalc(1280);

Separate medium grids enable a design to respond with finesse.

*planned for v5, early release included in v4.3

Take it LARGE

$large-screen: emCalc(1440);

Have lots of real estate? Take advantage!

But wait... there's more.

Backwards compatible with v3 grids for better IE8 support.

No pixel left behind.


Mix and match.

All shapes and sizes

  • .tiny
  • .small
  • .button
  • .large
  • .radius
  • .round
  • .expand

Even ugly ones:

CSS overrides?

&:active {
    // prevent underline in firefox
    text-decoration: none;
    .icon {
        opacity: .6;

&.open {
    .icon {
        color: $mainColor !important;
        opacity: 1;
// reset button corners if necessary
&.square {
    @include border-radius(0);

/* Sizes */
&.large {
    font-size: 15px;
    padding: 7px 16px 6px;
    .icon.oversized.icon-append {
        margin: 2px -6px -1px 3px;
/* Colors */
// style is the same for all of these, so print them on one line to prevent repetition
&.gradient {
    border: 0;
    &:hover {
        border: 0;
// darken background color (no transition), keep all shadows the same
@each $button-type in $button-types {
    $type: nth($button-type, 1);
    $color: nth($button-type, 2);
    $active-color: nth($button-type, 3);
    @if ($type == '.primary') {
        @include button-colors($color, nth($active-color, 1), nth($active-color, 2));
    &#{$type} {
        @include button-colors($color, nth($active-color, 1), nth($active-color, 2));
// sharpen white-text on red bg
&.alert {
    @include sharp-text($white);
// dark text on light background
&.secondary {
    color: $btn-secondary-text-color;
    .icon {
        color: $black;
    @include box-shadow(0 1px 0 darken($btnSecondaryColor, 15%), 0 0 1px transparentize(darken($btnSecondaryColor, 35%), .2), 0 1px 1px transparentize(darken($btnSecondaryColor, 25%), .2));
    // light text on dark background
    &:active {
        color: $white;
        .icon {
            color: $white;
    // outer glow on :focus
    &:focus {
        @include box-shadow(0 1px 0 darken($btnSecondaryColor, 15%), 0 0 1px transparentize(darken($btnSecondaryColor, 25%), .2), 0 0 5px opacify($btn-secondary-text-color, 0.5));
// transperent button (on dark bg)
&.transparent {
    background-color: transparent;
    @include box-shadow(none);
    color: $txtColor;
    .icon {
        color: $black;
        &.icon-white {
            color: $white;

    &.on-dark {
        @include sharp-text(darken($white, 20%));
        .icon {
            color: $white;
        &:active {
            color: white;
            background-color: transparent;
            @include box-shadow(none);
&.gradient {
    @include background-image(linear-gradient(top, #fbfbfb, #e5e5e5));
    color: $btnGradientColor;
    background-color: transparent;
    @include box-shadow(none);
    &, &:hover {
        border: 1px $imageBorderColor solid;
    .icon {
        opacity: 1;
        color: $btnGradientColor;
They work, but get tedious after a while.

Customize with SASS instead!

// We use this to quickly create buttons with a single mixin. As @jaredhardy puts it, "the kitchen sink mixin"
@mixin button($padding:$button-med, $bg:$primary-color, $radius:false, $full-width:false, $disabled:false, $is-input:false, $is-prefix:false) {
  @include button-base;
  @include button-size($padding, $full-width, $is-input);
  @include button-style($bg, $radius, $disabled);

Buttons in all flavors

  • Button groups
  • Split buttons
  • Dropdowns

Wait, didn't dropdowns turn out to be kind of a pain?

$('.some-dropdown-element').on('click', function () {
    // do the rest of your stuff here

Dropdowns have been rewritten and are now easier to style, and easier to handle with javascript.


Anything can now host a dropdown

Has Dropdown

Has Content Dropdown


Button all the things!

Responsive Images

with Interchange

Images are one of the largest consumers of bandwidth.

Serve the right size for the right screen.


The same way we adjust the design to different devices…

Media queries.

data-interchange="[image_path, (media query)], [image_path, (media query)]"


Tell me more

Sensible Defaults (again)

Custom Queries

$(document).foundation('interchange', {
  named_queries : {
    my_custom_query : 'only screen and (max-width: 200px)'

Retina support

(pixel-density is a media query too!)

Event notification

$(document).on('replace', 'img', function (e, new_path, original_path) {
    // replace handler

Respond to new images dynamically

$(document).foundation('interchange', 'reflow');

Topnav + Offcanvas Layouts

Mobile first, from the ground up.

This stuff is really best seen in action…

Click here:

And here:

And here:

Notable Plugins

Modals with Reveal

Mobile first (I tested). Create workflows with linked modals.


Built as a mixin, customization-ready.


HTML5 form validation

Error messages

Pretty! And Free!

Tooltips too!

Under the hood

emcalc is the new ms();

Translate between ems and px

Mixins, Mixins, Mixins

Still semantic markup, clean(er) and lightly applied styles

Dropped external SASS dependencies (Compass and Modular Scale)

Zepto Support

Worth checking out for mobile and modern devices.

9.7k vs 32k

Smoother upgrade path to v5

(famous last words)

Lower profile Javascript Namespace


Follow in (LukeW's) mobile first footsteps!

No, seriously.


Mobile first.

Sensible defaults.

Learn from better code.

Customize at will.


BY James Vivian

jvivs @ {octo + bird}